The section of Cedar Lake Road between Interstate 10 and the Cedar Lake bridge, which closed for five weeks in November while contractors installed sewer lines, will be closed for five days next week, but when the road re-opens on Friday, motorists will be driving on a freshly paved roadway.
The work, which is expected to be the final road closure in the year-long, $2.55 million project, is to extend sewer service north of I-10 at Cedar Lake to serve Holly Bluff Circle, Spring Road, Summer Lane, Easy Lane, Silkwood Lane and residences and business along Cedar Lake Road north of I-10. The service area will extend to the Cedar Lake Bridge, which crosses the Tchoutacabouffa River.
“We’ve made it clear to the contractor that our expectation is to have the roadway open in four days, five at the most, and people traveling in that area will be on a newly paved roadway complete with temporary striping,” said Ed Ott, a city engineer. “This is a relatively large project and after this road closure, none of the work will cause detours. We did a lot of work back in November and December, and now that the underground work has all passed inspections, we’re ready to begin the paving.”
The project, which is funded through the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality’s State Revolving Loan Fund, includes four new sewer pumping stations.
See the detour route
News and notes
Popp’s Ferry bridge update: All lanes of Popp’s Ferry bridge are now open. Crews return Saturday from 6:30 to 11 a.m. for followup repairs, which also will require a lane closure. To see the current status of streets, drainage and infrastructure work throughout the city, click here.
Clare Sekul Hornsby: The resolution to rename a park on Benachi Avenue for Clare Sekul Hornsby, which was scheduled to be on the City Council agenda earlier this week, has been postponed until the council meeting on March 21 at 1:30 p.m. Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Sekul’s nephew, agreed with the Biloxi Lions Club to delay the measure because of other issues on the agenda this week.
Affordable living: Biloxi has been listed as one of the “Amazing American Beach Towns You Can Actually Afford to Live In” by the digital lifestyle site To see article, click here.
Performing honor guard: The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team will debut its 2017 routine on Friday at 9 a.m. at the Keesler Air Force Base. To read more about team and performance at KAFB, click here.