Biloxi A to Z: Storm prep, Saints weekend, and more

Biloxi A to Z: Storm preparations headline this week’s video. Also in this week’s video: June BNews Monthly, the Storm and Flood issue; R U Ready, the 2023 hurricane preparedness outreach video; city job openings and job fair; city council events ordinance workshop; Saints Hall of Fame weekend, First Friday, and other weekend happenings; weekend weather forecast; and the Blessing of the Fleet.
Facebook: See this week’s video
YouTube: See this week’s video
YouTube: See R U Ready 2023
June BNews Monthly
June Community Calendar

News & Notes: BPS registration, job fair

Biloxi Public Schools registration: Online and preregistration for new students at Biloxi Public Schools takes place June 5-July 14. In-person residency verification will take place at each school July 10-14. For more information, click here.

City job fair: The City of Biloxi held a job fair at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center on Thursday and Friday. If you missed it, there will be another city job fair on June 14 and 17 at the Woolmarket City Center. To see the current job openings, click here. To see images from the job fair, click here.