Four zoning cases – three in west Biloxi and one in east Biloxi – and the purchase of more than $200,000 in equipment and vehicles are among the issues on the agenda for the City Council meeting Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
And only weeks after Mardi Gras, Mayor A.J. Holloway will present a proclamation to the Hibernia Marching Society of Mississippi proclaiming March as “Irish Heritage Month.”
The zoning cases include the approval of zoning to allow three apartments at 521 Howard Ave.; the renovation and reconfiguration of an existing car wash on Pass Road, owned by Wall Enterprises; variances for a fast-food restaurant and retail sales outlet at Shoppes at Popp’s Ferry West; and approval of a commercial subdivision plat that would reduce the number of plotted lots from 16 to 10 in the Petit Bois subdivision.
The agenda also includes measures that would approve the purchase of replacement heavy equipment in the Public Works Department and vehicles in the Port Division of the Administration Department.
To see the complete agenda and available resolutions, click here.
President tells Biloxi story in video, photos
The White House has posted video and audio recordings and photos from the meeting at Biloxi City Hall Thursday. To see the photos and hear the audio,
click here.
And on City Desk: The President’s visit is also discussed on this week’s City Desk webcast, hosted by Bay Press editor Gene Coleman. To listen, click here.
News and notes
Deadline nearing: Harrison County has reminded homeowners that the deadline to file homestead exemption is April 1, less than a month away. For details on the homestead exemption law and how to file homestead exemption, click here.
Drawing nearing: The city’s Parks & Recreation Department is asking sponsors of softball tournaments to be played at the Biloxi Sports Complex to attend a Tuesday night meeting at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center, where dates will be drawn. For details, click here.