Edgewater Mall has extended its hours today and Saturday to help shoppers take full advantage of tax-free shopping days, and mall manager Terry Powell says sales have been brisk.
“We opened at 9 this morning and we’ll be open until 10 this evening, and we’re doing the same thing on Saturday,” Powell said this afternoon. “It’s been very good, and I anticipate people buying things above and beyond the tax-free stuff. It’s been absolutely huge for the merchants of Edgewater Mall.”
The tax-free shopping, part of a state initiative, began at 12:01 a.m. and continues through midnight Saturday.
During the 48-hour period, shoppers, particularly those looking for “back to school” specials, can enjoy 7 percent in savings because of the waiving of sales taxes on specific items, such as clothing and footwear costing less than $100 per item. School supplies and computers are not included. In fact, to see a guide to the sales tax holiday, including a list of eligible and non-eligible items, click here.
Edgewater Mall offers more than 100 stores, covering a million-square feet of climate-controlled space. To read more about the mall and to see the list of its stores, which now includes a 9,000-square-foot Express men’s and women’s clothing outlet, click here.
News and notes
Weekend preview: Center Stage has extended its runaway hit “South Pacific” until Aug. 7, and on the casino front you’ll find Bill Bellamy at the Hard Rock and Vicki Lawrence at the IP. For details on these events and to see a host of others, courtesy of listings from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, click here.
Webcasting: Longtime Biloxi Librarian Charline Longino discusses the public’s reaction to the new Biloxi Public Library in this week’s City Desk webcast. To listen to the program, click here.
Council preview: The Biloxi City Council meets twice on Tuesday, a budget meeting at 10 a.m. and a regularly scheduled meeting at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held at City Hall and are open to the public. To see agendas and available resolutions, click here.