With 28 gigabytes of content – photos, videos, podcasts, agendas and other documents, 6,000 posts in all – it’s an impressive archive, this city website, and now it’s operating at lightning speed, thanks to a new dedicated server.
The site, at biloxi.ms.us, had outgrown its previous server, which also housed several other websites that could drain resources.
The site averages nearly 1,500 visitors on a typical day, with 84 percent of those being new visitors. Events of the day, however, can attract more visitors to the site: More than 26,000 visited the site the day after Katrina. One day last October, before Hurricane Zeta, 200,000 people tuned in to the Lighthouse cam through the city’s website. (Click on the Lighthouse at top left of any page on the site.)
Updated information is posted nearly daily to the site, including the weekday traffic update; and agendas for City Council, Planning and Architectural and Historic Review and Development Review commissions. Before Bmails are sent to the city’s audience of 7,500, they are posted on the city’s website, under Your City at Work. And, thanks to links to YouTube and Facebook, you’ll find links to photo galleries, council meeting Live streams or replays, and the ability to watch BTV, which is beamed daily to homes in Biloxi.