The staff at the Biloxi Visitors Center is asking the community to get involved and submit a design for the 2023 Biloxi Visitors Center Christmas shirt art contest.
“In the past, the center has made our own Christmas shirts,” said Erica Pustay of the Biloxi Visitors Center. “This year, we are asking local artists to submit designs. This contest will allow the city to showcase some of the artists we have on the coast.”
Those interested should submit artwork that depicts the Biloxi Lighthouse with a Christmas theme. Any medium is allowed but it must be suitable for T-shirt reproduction. There is no cost to enter the contest.
The deadline for design submissions is Friday, Sept., 29 and they are to be sent digitally to
The winning design will be announced on Monday, Oct. 9.
See the requirements
Video: See more about the contest
News & notes: Weekly reports, opening ceremonies
The week that was: Ever wonder how busy certain city departments are? Check out the weekly reports from the Fire, Police, Community Development, and Public Works departments posted each week on the city’s website. To see the reports, click here.:
Opening ceremonies: The Biloxi youth football and cheerleading leagues will hold opening ceremonies at the A.J. Holloway Sports Complex on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 8:45 a.m. Games will follow. For more information, contact Ronnie Seymour at