Today’s update: A look at the numbers

“We haven’t seen the peak yet,” Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich says in today’s Be Prepared video message, “but praying it comes sometimes in the next few weeks.”

Gilich, marking the two-week point since the city began the social-media and BTV video updates, today revealed a graph that shows the daily increase in coronavirus cases, statewide and locally.

Most striking in the graph: A climbing red line showing cases statewide (1,638), with a Harrison County line nearly flat across the graph (73), next to the line showing the number of statewide deaths (43).

“Do not be scared,” the mayor said. “Everyone across our great country is going through the same thing. Just remain vigilant. You have seen a lot of businesses close and other things not in normal operations. 

“Things like grocery stores, banks, gas stations, food outlets, public utilities, government — will remain open. The same advice has been repeated over and over:  Stay home. Travel only as necessary.”
Facebook: See today’s video update
YouTube: See today’s video update
See the chart shown by the mayor today
See the city’s coronavirus advisories
What to do this week? John Miller has advice