The Biloxi Fire Department’s fleet is going and advancing. The department has received three new fire trucks that were custom-built with Biloxi Firefighters in mind.
The new trucks, a $1.725 million investment funded by the city, arrived Wednesday morning after extensive research, planning, and 12 months of production.
“Shortly after Chief Davis and I were appointed to oversee the department in August of last year, we took on the task of replacing three of our aging engines,” Biloxi Fire Chief Nick Geiser said. “We toured different manufacturers and looked at ways to improve the trucks for the firefighters.”
The trucks, built by Pierce, will employ lower hose access points lessening climb injuries, finished compartments with paint to reduce aluminum dust allowing tools to stay cleaner, mirrors on doors for better views of traffic, storage for ladders preventing catch hazards when traveling, and a hard top over the hose bed instead of a tarp that often deteriorates from the sun. The hard top offers a walkable surface and when opened, it offers protection and reduces fail hazards when loading hoses for storage.
In addition, an air horn has been added on each truck for nonverbal communication between firefighters on the truck and those fighting a fire, a non-reflective surface was installed on the control panels, and a water gauge was placed on the side of the trucks for visibility.
The public will also notice black striping instead of white striping and a red line flag on the grill of each of the new trucks. One of the trucks, Engine 7, bears the Biloxi Public Schools’ logo.
“We partnered with the schools and we have their Biloxi Indian arrowhead on the truck,” Chief Geiser said. “You will be seeing it at every football home game and at all our recruiting efforts.” The three trucks will replace older trucks at stations 7, 8, and 10 and will go into service after all the tools are installed and each truck is certificated by the state rating bureau.
YouTube: See a video tour of the new fire trucks
See more about the Biloxi Fire Department