Homeowners will be able to get the latest information on combating Formosan termites during a meeting on Monday, April 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Donal Snyder Sr. Community Center on Pass Road in west Biloxi.
The free meeting, sponsored by the Enclave Homeowners Association and Councilman Tom Wall, will feature guest speaker Dr. Blake Layton of Mississippi State University.
“This will be a very timely meeting, because it is just before the Formosan swarming season, which is usually in May,” according to Enclave Homeowners Association member Steve Delahoussey. “This is definitely a problem that people need to be aware of so that they can better protect their homes. Formosan termites can cause a lot of damage to a house in a relatively short time.”
Dr. Layton will discuss the pros and cons of various termite treatment options.