Biloxi native Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America 1959, tells the story of the Biloxi Lighthouse in a 2004 documentary airing this evening on BTV: Biloxi Television, the city’s burgeoning TV channel now carried on Sparklight (formerly Cable One) Channel 56 in Biloxi.
In all, nearly six hours of programming are scheduled to air as part of continuing tests of BTV, mostly consisting of documentaries and video shorts created by the city. Full-length recordings of recent city events also are included. Most also are available on demand on the city’s YouTube channel.
Here’s a list of the BTV programming scheduled to air this evening:
6 p.m.: “Know Your Biloxi,” a 57-minute compilation of videos that are shown daily in the Biloxi Visitors Center. Included in the mix is a nine-minute day-in-the-life-of-Biloxi that begins with early morning images and wraps up with evening video.
7 p.m.: “Know Your Biloxi Lighthouse,” a series of video vignettes about Biloxi’s signature landmark. Included in the 20-minute collection is the 12-minute documentary narrated by the former Miss America.
7:30 p.m.: Road update and Biloxi by Air. See the latest from contractors working on East Biloxi infrastructure, and a 17-minute collection of aerial views of various sites in Biloxi.
8 p.m.: “Downtown Development Initiative.” See the recent Main Street Biloxi program that focused on downtown Biloxi. The program runs one hour and 48 minutes.
10 p.m.: Biloxi City Council meeting of June 18. The meeting, which ran nearly two hours, included a presentation about the Saenger Theatre by Biloxian Gwen Gollotte.
BTV, the commercial-free city channel, is currently testing programming on Sparklight Channel 56. A regular lineup of programming will be announced later this summer, when BTV also joins the AT&T Uverse lineup in Biloxi, on Channel 99.