The City of Biloxi and the Mississippi Department of Transportation are signing an agreement that could see a million dollars worth of sidewalks in the Woolmarket community.
The new ADA-compliant sidewalks, which could be under construction this time next year, would run from the intersection of Woolmarket Road and Lorraine Road, north on Lorraine Road to the Nature’s Trail subdivision, and from the intersection of Woolmarket Road and Lorraine Road east along Woolmarket Road to Airport Road.
The 10-foot-wide sidewalks, which would be constructed in existing right of way, would cover 6,500 linear feet, or more than a mile.
“It’s all about public safety and having a walkable community in a growing part of our city,” said Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich. “We certainly appreciate MDOT and the Federal Highway Administration for helping make this project happen, and we look forward to getting this project started.”
A Memorandum of Understanding being signed between MDOT and the city will set in motion funding of up to $880,000 in MDOT and Federal Highway Administration money, with the city contributing a 20 percent match, or about $176,000, from the city. Biloxi’s share of the funding will come from a pending $14 million infrastructure improvements bond that will fund a host of projects citywide.
Once MDOT approves Biloxi’s design documents the project can be advertised and bids accepted. Work could begin by late fall 2019 and be completed in early 2020.