Santa Claus makes many appearances this time a year and this weekend is no exception.
Tonight, Jolly Old Saint Nick will be at the City of Biloxi Special Needs Christmas Dance. The dance, open to all ages with physical and mental disabilities, will be from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Donal M. Snyder Sr. Community Center, 2520 Pass Road. There will be music, food and door prizes. Admission is one unwrapped gift of no more than $10 that will be given to the Asgard Motorcycle Club for distribution to coast children.
On Saturday, Kris Kringle will roll through Biloxi in the Annual Woolmarket Christmas Parade. The parade begins at 2:30 p.m. at the Chevron on Woolmarket Road, travels to Lorraine Road, turns right on John Lee Road at Taranto’s, and ends at the Woolmarket Elementary School, 12513 John Lee Road. Once at the school, parade goers will decorate the Christmas tree in the gymnasium, where hot chocolate and cookies will be served while Santa visits with the children.
Then on Sunday, Santa will make a stop at the West End Hose Co. No. 3 Fire Museum. Children and adults can meet Santa and give him their Christmas gift requests during his visit to the Howard Avenue museum. Parents may also take pictures of their little ones with the Big Red One. The event is free and will include music and snacks.
Elsewhere this weekend: Brandon Bennett will perform his Elvis Christmas tribute at the IP, an award winning cast of skaters and singers will bring Christmas Dreams to audiences at the Beau Rivage, and “Little Women” will be performed at the Center Stage Theatre.
See the Special Needs Christmas Dance flyer
See the Woolmarket Christmas Parade flyer
See the Santa Claus is coming to the fire museum flyer
See a list of Christmas events in Biloxi
See a complete weekend lineup
News and notes: Podcast, Popp’s Ferry Bridge, B-Alert, and Rev. Red
City Desk: The City Desk podcast, recorded Thursday morning at Biloxi City Hall, recaps the happenings of the week including the possibility of new sidewalks in Woolmarket. To listen to the podcast, click here.
Reminder: The Popp’s Ferry bridge will close to motorists and pedestrians tonight beginning at 10 so city contractors can replace the generator and underwater cable that power the raising and lowering of the bridge span. This work may last until 6 a.m.
B-Alert: Stay in the know about road closures, road re-openings, and other traffic advisories by signing up for B-Alert. It’s a real-time, on-the-go messaging system that brings advisories directly to your cell phone. Just text BILOXI to 888777.
Local Spiel: Reverend Red stopped by Biloxi City Hall earlier this week to interview Biloxi’s Public Affairs Manager Vincent Creel for his new show, “The Local Spiel”, part of the programming for Mississippi Coast TV. To watch the interview, click here.