Motorists traveling the Popp’s Ferry Road area where widening is underway will see lane shifts beginning Monday morning, signaling a major milestone in progress.
No detours are planned, but traffic cones and barrels will mark shifts of travel lanes, which will take place from Cedar Lake Road to Lamey Street. The Popp’s Ferry work has a September deadline, but contractor Jimmy Lane expects to have work completed by then, weather permitting.
Motorists should use caution when traveling this area during the lane shifts and be aware that some driveways and streets may temporarily be accessed by right turns only.
When completed, the year-long Popp’s Ferry Road widening project will see a four-lane boulevard created in the mile-long stretch of Popp’s Ferry between Cedar Lake Road and Lamey Street.
The travel lanes will go from two-way traffic covering 24 feet to four lanes of traffic covering 60 feet. A 16-foot center median will divide the east and westbound traffic, and sidewalks will be on both sides of the new roadway, a five-foot sidewalk on the north side and a 10-foot sidewalk on the south side.
The $6.5 million project, funded mainly with Mississippi Department of Transportation funds administered through Gulf Regional Planning Commission, was designed by the engineering firm Neel-Schaffer and is being constructed by Lane Construction.
See status of road work throughout the city
News and notes
Hiller Park photos: To see photos of the dedication of the new playground area at Hiller Park on Saturday, click here.
Socially viral: The city’s Facebook platform saw a dramatic boost in traffic last week after a photo gallery, “Your peek inside Margaritaville,” about the new Margaritaville Resort, was posted by Public Affairs Specialist Cecilia Dobbs Walton. Â The city’s Facebook page itself saw 9,470 new likes (bringing the audience to nearly 25,000 now), while the gallery itself spawned a dramatic 2.7 million engagements (a 11,000 percent increase over the previous week’s traffic). The city’s Margaritaville gallery was shared 14,000 times, eliciting well over 2,000 comments. See the gallery yourself by clicking here.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube: To follow the city through Bmail and in social media, click here.
City Council: The next scheduled meeting of the Biloxi City Council is on Tuesday, July 5. The council is not scheduled to meet this week in order to attend the annual summer conference of the Mississippi Municipal League, in town this week.
Sports Hall of Fame: The deadline for nominees for induction into the Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame is rapidly approaching. In fact, the deadline is Thursday. To see the qualifications and how you can nominate someone, click here.
Saints weekend: Saints Weekend at the Park – with a host of activities for children and a chance for adults to rub elbows with Saints Hall of Famers and current players – is coming up July 9. To see details, click here.