By Jerry Creel, Community Development Director
This week in economic development, the building plan reviews were completed for the $1.3 million dollar expansion and improvements to the Biloxi Regional Hospital’s Outpatient Facility. Plan reviews were also completed for 5 new single family houses to be constructed in the new Rock Creek Subdivision on Lorraine Road. The developers are scheduled to pick up the building permits later today.
Also this week we submitted our annual application for recertification to the Insurance Services Organization (ISO). This recertification is a required element of our continued participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) Program. This program rewards our efforts to reduce the risk of flood damage by providing premium discounts to property owners who have flood insurance policies. The City of Biloxi is one of only three cities in the State of Mississippi that currently have a rating of “5“. This rating provides policy holders with a 25% discount on their flood insurance premiums.