Oscar Renda Contracting on Tuesday is unveiling its monthly video update for the Biloxi City Council, with updates on nearly two dozen streets and plans for sidewalks on those neighborhood streets that have been paved.
Now that all of Back Bay Boulevard has received its final coat of asphalt, workers have resumed their schedule for streets east of Lee, according to the four-minute video. Originally, before Mayor Andrew ‘FoFo” Gilich called for all of Back Bay Boulevard to be paved, workers had hoped to have a layer of asphalt on all street east of Lee.
The fact is, today only six neighborhood streets remain to be paved east of Lee Street, and Oscar Renda plans to have blacktop on those streets by July 1. They are sections all north of Division: Keller Avenue, Fountain Lane, Dorries, Austin between Holley and Keller, and Roy and Redding between Keller and Lee.
Oscar Renda also reports that in the next couple of weeks crews will begin installing sidewalks and driveway aprons on roads that have been paved.
Meantime, all four lanes of Division have been paved between Lee and Oak streets, except for a portion of Strangi and Penny, where drainage work is being completed. Also, sewer installation continues on Division at Reynoir, working its way to Nichols Drive, and workers are hoping to have drainage, limestone and paving on Lee Street north of Division in place by the end of July.
Nichols Drive north of Division is expected to be paved before school begins.
Two streets that were in disrepair even before the infrastructure work began are scheduled to receive paving in a matter of weeks, Iroquois and Thelma between Seal and Iroquois should be paved by the first week of July.
Workers are now installing base rock on Graham, and asphalt is expected to be in place by the end of July.
See the complete video