Oscar Renda touts progress on Division

Division Street is now paved from Oak Street to the halfway point at Nichols Drive, with curbing and sidewalks also in place for much of the way, and Oscar Renda Contracting reports that the area of Division at 1-110 will be paved within three weeks.  

The news, along with announcement of the final sewer hookups on the way for Querens and Porter avenues south of Division, is among the highlights of the new four-minute status video published today on the city YouTube channel.

Project Superintendent John Cowart warns that the pending sewer work on Querens and Porter will require closure of those two intersections at Division Street.

Cowart, who records the monthly video update, also said construction crews are now working on a major storm drain line that runs from Benachi Avenue, west on Division to Porter Avenue.

“Thankfully,” Cowart said, “some dry weather has allowed us to make some significant progress and we hope for this to continue into the fall.”
See the September status video 


News and notes

The week that was: Last week, the Biloxi Fire Department reported 103 calls for service, including 64 for medical and two for fires; the Biloxi Police Department handled 2,242 calls for service, and the Community Development Department issued 64 building permits with a construction valuation of more than $800,000.  The Engineering Department also added a couple projects to its weekly report, including asphalt work on Kayleigh Cove.  To see the complete reports, click here

Kickball canceled: The Parks & Recreation Department has canceled the Hiller Park kickball tournament, set for Saturday, Sept. 30, because of the lack of registrations. To learn more about other programs the department hosts, click here

Traffic advisories:  To see the latest road closures and traffic updates, click here

Glamour and a badge: Biloxi Police Officer Ashleigh Pack is featured in the September issue of Glamour Magazine. She was chosen to represent Mississippi in a poll of women, seeking feedback of their self-esteem and their hopes for the future. To read the full article, click here

Excel by 5 workshop:  Biloxi Excel by 5 will host Crying, Meltdown, Tantrums, Oh My!, an interactive workshop to help identify and express appropriate emotions and behaviors, Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Lopez School on St. John Ave.  To see the flyer, click here