The city’s Public Works Department this morning installed a new left-turn signal that allows westbound motorists approaching the Cedar-Popp’s intersection to now make a protected southbound turn onto Cedar Lake Road.
The new signal is designed to help improve the flow of increased traffic on Popp’s Ferry Road caused by road construction on Brodie Road.
The road has been closed to through traffic since August, when a $3.5 million project began to widen Brodie to three lanes from Cedar Lake Road to Destiny Plantation and to two full lanes from Destiny Plantation to Lamey Road, the city limits with D’Iberville.
“This should help the flow of traffic for all westbound traffic on Popp’s Ferry Road at Cedar Lake,” said Biloxi Police Chief Linda Atterberry. “Since this signal is an addition to the intersection, we’re asking all motorists – regardless of their direction of travel – to use extra caution when approaching the Cedar-Popp’s intersection. We’ll certainly continue to monitor that area and do what we can to keep traffic moving efficiently and safely.”
City Engineer Damon Torricelli and Atterberry said the new left-turn signal may remain in place even after Brodie Road is re-opened in 14 months, depending on the amount of traffic.
Traffic update: To see a status report on road construction citywide, click here.
News and notes
Offline: E-mail and online access has been unavailable today for city departments and divisions. The city’s Information Systems Division is working to resolve the issue, and hopes to have access restored Friday.
Play Day: The City of Biloxi will join with several partner agencies to sponsor Play Day, an afternoon of free family fun on Saturday at Doris C. Busch Park. For details on the event, click here.
Junior high football: The 7th and 8th grade Biloxi football games scheduled for this afternoon in Picayune will be played in Biloxi instead. The 7th grade game begins at 5 p.m. at Biloxi High School stadium, and the 4-0 Biloxi 8th grade team is expected to begin its game around 6:30 p.m. Officials made the decision to move the games after inspecting the rain-soaked Picayune football field; Biloxi’s field employs quick-draining artificial turf.
Comprehensive plan: The public has a chance to comment on a draft of the city’s Comprehensive Plan at hearings planned Oct. 6-7. You can learn more about the hearings and read the draft of the plan by clicking here.