MDOT has announced that workers will close the I-110 off ramps at Bayview and Division Street for one night next week to allow the installation of new overhead signage.
The southbound exit at Bayview Avenue will be closed Wednesday from 7 p.m. to Thursday 6 a.m.
At Division Street, the southbound exit will be closed Thursday from 7 p.m. to Friday at 6 a.m., and once contractors have completed work on the southbound signage, they will close the northbound on-ramp at Division to install new signage there during the same timeframe.
MDOT workers say they expect the closures at each site to take less time than the 11 hours allotted.
See status of road work throughout Biloxi
Tree committee to hold initial session
Biloxi’s tree committee, a new city board that will advise city leaders on striking a balance between protecting trees and economic development, will hold its first session next week.
Committee members will have a training session Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the city’s Community Development Department to review the city’s tree ordinance and discuss procedures.
Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich and the Biloxi City Council, in an ordinance passed earlier this year, have charged the tree committee with reviewing applications for permits to remove one or more trees that would ordinarily be protected under the city’s tree ordinance. The group, which is advisory, also will identify and suggest suitable sites for replanting of trees or additional landscaping to mitigate any tree removal. The committee also has the authority to review previous tree permits to ensure compliance.
Members of the committee, who serve three-year terms without pay, are Robin Galle Rodolfich, Ward 1; Tracy Wyman, Â Ward 2; Matthew Dubaz, Ward 3; Mary Kinney, Ward 4; Carroll Campbell, Ward 5; James “Bernie” Marinovich, Ward 6; and Julie Beaucek, Ward 7.
See the tree ordinance amendments
News and notes
City Council meeting: Â The Biloxi City Council meets Tuesday night at 6 at Biloxi City Hall. To see the council agenda and supporting documents, click here.
City Desk podcast: Hear about the pending utility corridor along front beach in this week’s City Desk podcast. Also in the program, taped Thursday: hurricane season now underway, are you prepared? To listen to the program, click here.