The Mississippi Development Authority will end its three-day visit to east Biloxi on Saturday with a session from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the East Biloxi Coordination Relief and Redevelopment Agency.
MDA staffers will accept applications and provide grant status updates for homeowners who experienced flood-surge damage as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
The East Biloxi Coordination Relief and Redevelopment Agency is at 425 Division St.
MDA staff, which began the three-day visit on Thursday, advises that applicants should bring some form of identification, along with any documentation regarding their request. Interpreters also will be on hand.
Council to discuss zoning issues Tuesday
The Biloxi City Council will consider zoning changes for proeprties in east Biloxi, Back Bay and off Popp’s Ferry Road during a meeting Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 at City Hall.
The measures would change zoning on several parcels on Oak, Seventh and Eight streets from residential to community business, re-zone 12 contiguous parcels on Bayview Avenue from commercial and residential to waterfront, and change zoning to allow the construction of 88 additional units at he Arbor Place Apartments off Popp’s Ferry Road.
To read the complete agenda and resolutions, including a measure involving water and sewer service in Woolmarket, click here.
News and notes
Holloway webcasting: Mayor A.J. Holloway reviews 2007 and previews 2008 in this week’s City Desk webcast. To listen to the program, click here.
Weekend preview: The Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau has the lineup of weekend entertainment. To review the list, click here.