The beaches remain open, with limitations, the idea of a round-the-clock curfew has been rejected for the time being, and it’s “business as unusual,” Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich reports in his daily message, recorded this afternoon at City Hall.
“Concern about the spread of COVID-19 is still high all over,” Gilich said in the brief message, which will be available shortly on the city’s Facebook pages, YouTube channel, city website and on BTV this evening at 9, with replays throughout the day Tuesday.
Gilich said that the Harrison County Board of Supervisors discussed the idea of a curfew, but the supervisors and mayors of cities in Harrison County agreed that although no curfew was mandated at this time, “future conditions on the ground could make a curfew necessary in some form or fashion.”
The sand beach, he said, would remain open with limitations: no groups of 10 or more and social distancing of 6 feet or more.
The Coast mayors, he said, would continue to teleconference Tuesday to dsicuss any further measures that may be warranted. Said the mayor: “Whatever measures are taken will be done in concert with each other.”
The mayor also reminded residents of the precautions already in place: City buildings are essentially closed to walk-in traffic, the City Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon will stream live on the city’s YouTube page, and non-essential businesses remain closed.
The mayor amplified his message that residents should stay home: “Travel only when necessary, respect social distancing. Failure to do so puts you and your family at risk.”
Added the mayor: “You can still take care of business, by phone, email or online. It was said in this morning’s city director’s meeting, ‘It’s business as unusual.'”
Facebook: See the mayor’s video update
YouTube: See the mayor’s video update