The Biloxi Fire Department is now taking applications for its fun and educational fire camp.
Registration for the Academy for Kids Camp is open weekdays at the Fire Department Station No. 1 in the Lopez Quave Public Safety Center, 170 Porter Ave., and is available to the first 40 registrants in each the beginner and advance camps.
The academy – a free, five-day participatory camp for children ages 7 to 12 – will take place at Fire Station No. 1, and at the nearby West End Hose Company No. 3 Fire Museum, 1046 Howard Ave. The beginner academy will be from Monday, June 4 through Friday, June 8, and the advanced academy will be Monday, June 11 through Friday, June 15 from 8 a.m. to noon.
The sessions allow campers to learn life-safety skills in fire safety and first-aid through classroom activities, hands-on training and homework. They also are introduced up close and personal to firefighters, the equipment they use, and the jobs they perform. Each day, snacks and a beverage will be provided to the children.
See more and download the registration forms