The city on Monday will limit Eagle Point traffic on parts of Oaklawn Road and re-route large vehicles to Shorecrest and Lorraine roads as contractors begin work to install sewer lines on nearly a mile stretch of Oaklawn Road, one of the last areas of Eagle Point without sewer service.
The 150-day project – expected completion is in July — also opens the door to extend sewer lines north of the interstate, where design work is now underway.
The two sections of sewer lines on Oaklawn – from Mississippi 67 to Landing Court and another section just east of Pin Oak Drive – have a budget of $825,000.
The Oaklawn work will reduce traffic to one lane and even close at times from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Buses and trucks will be unable to use Oaklawn Road and will be re-routed to Shorecrest and Lorraine Road, where detour signs will be posted.
Council to meet Tuesday afternoon
The Biloxi City Council on Tuesday will hold a public hearing during its 1:30 p.m. meeting to hear an appeal regarding the rezoning of a one-and-a-half acre of land on Popp’s Ferry Road from multi-family residential to community business.
The hearing is one of nearly 20 issues scheduled to be discussed during the meeting, which will be held at City Hall.
Councilmember David Fayard is proposing to re-name the Popp’s Ferry bridge in honor of Edward Redmond – details unavailable – and Councilmember George Lawrence will introduce a measure to provide $3,500 in support for the Biloxi Shrimp Festival and Blessing of the Fleet. Details also are unavailable on a measure that would authorize an agreement between Harbour Pointe LLC to lease property at the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor.
Also on the agenda: recognition of the winners from the 19th annual Mardi Gras Shoe Box Float Contest and winners from the 19th annual Mississippi Coast History Week Art Contest.
To see the complete agenda and available resolutions, click here.
News and notes
Mardi Gras lineup: Parades will roll this weekend in Gautier, Bay St. Louis, Long Beach and through Pass Christian’s Timber Ridge subdivision. To see the complete lineup through Mardi Gras, click here.
Other weekend fun: To see the overall weekend entertainment lineup, as compiled by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, click here.