Mayor A.J. Holloway says he continues to be pleased with progress on repairs to the Popp’s Ferry bridge, but is stopping short of saying when the bridge will re-open to traffic.
“From the reports I’m getting, MDOT’s contractors are making good progress on a daily basis,” Holloway said. “Pile driving was completed Friday or Saturday, and I understand they’re supposed to actually begin pouring the bridge decking in the next day or so.”
Crews from Joe McGee Construction Co. of Lake, Miss., are working 12-hour shifts to replace two 90-foot sections of the bridge that were knocked out by a barge collision on March 20. The company aims to re-open the bridge by April 28, and faces a $75,000 per day bonus or penalty.
City contractors, meantime, have re-paved and re-striped Popp’s Ferry Road south of the bridge to Pass Road, and city Public Works crews applied new striping on the bridge north of the span.
“We’re not sitting back just waiting for the bridge to re-open,” Holloway said. “We’re doing everything that we can to improve the situation while traffic in that area is at a minimum.”
Crews also are continuing nighttime work on re-surfacing the Biloxi stretch of Pass Road, primarily in the area between DeBuys and Jim Money roads.
“What would be ideal,” Holloway said, “is to have as much of Pass Road paved near Popp‘s Ferry as soon as we can. Our contractor, Warren Paving, is just like MDOT’s contactor: They’re working as quickly – and as safely – as possible, and making sure to do the work right.
“At this point, weather permitting, I feel that both jobs are ahead of schedule and are making good daily progress.”
The mayor also reminded nighttime motorists on Pass Road to use caution.
“We have dozens of workers out there on Pass Road each night, and we’re asking people to keep that in mind,” Holloway said. “I realize that all of this is an inconvenience, but roadwork is an inconvenience no matter when you do it. The good news is that they’re making great progress.”
More photos: To see photos of the Popp’s Ferry bridge progress from Monday afternoon, click here.