Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway, the longest-serving mayor in the history of the city, this afternoon was admitted to an alcohol treatment facility in Hattiesburg.
“Mayor Holloway and his family are certainly in our thoughts and prayers at this time,” said Chief Administrative Officer David Nichols. “This is a decision Mayor Holloway reached himself, with the support of his family, and we’re certainly confident of a full and timely recovery.”
Added Nichols: “Mayor Holloway has appointed Ward 2 Councilman Felix Gines as acting mayor, and we’ve worked with Felix many times in instances where he was acting mayor when Mayor Holloway was out of town. At the same time, Mayor Holloway and the citizens of Biloxi are served by a capable team, and city departments will continue to operate as normal, but obviously Mayor Holloway remains in our prayers, and we’re looking forward to his return.”
Holloway, 75, is currently in his sixth term as Biloxi’s mayor. He was first elected to the City Council in 1989 and was elected to his first term as mayor in 1993. As mayor, the former Ole Miss football star has overseen the most prosperous time in the city’s history, that period after the arrival of casino gambling, and he has directed a massive post-Hurricane Katrina municipal rebuilding effort that began shortly after Katrina struck almost 10 years ago.
“Everyone is aware of the tremendous love Mayor Holloway has for this city and its people,” Nichols said, “and everyone is aware of the extraordinary leadership he’s provided as our mayor. Now it’s our time to stand by him and support him in this chapter of his life.”
Etc.: Those wishing to send cards or messages to Mayor Holloway may do so in care of Mayor A.J. Holloway, Biloxi City Hall, P.O. Box 429, Biloxi, MS 39533-0429 or via his City Hall email address,