The boat ramp at the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor will be closed this week to allow contractors to continue overall harbor improvements.
Port Division Manager Frankie Duggan said the ramp is expected to be open in time to accommodate weekend boaters. Meantime, boaters should use the ramp at the north end of Lee Street, since the Kuhn Street ramp is currently blocked by repair work on U.S. 90.
“This is the first time we’ve had to close the small craft harbor boat ramp since this project began months ago,” Duggan said. “Actually, the ramp itself is still accessible to the public, but contractors have access to the channel blocked, so boats wouldn’t be able to get out of the harbor once they launched.”
To see aerial photographs of the harbor taken last month, click here.
News and notes
Planning meeting: To see the agenda for Thursday’s meeting of the Biloxi Planning Commission, click here.
Popp’s Ferry meeting: Three engineering firms contracted by the city to consider options to improve the Popp’s Ferry Bridge and its approaches will seek public input from residents in an informal meeting on Thursday at the Donal M. Snyder Center. Those interested should drop by the Snyder anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Thursday to review proposals and give input. For background on the meeting, as contained in postcard to residens of Wards 4, 5 and 6, click here.