Gilich launches cleaner-Biloxi campaign

“Biloxi is a tourist town and we ought to look like one,” Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich has said often since his election just over a month ago, and now, on the cusp of a busy Fourth of July weekend, the mayor is launching a campaign with WXXV to help raise awareness of the issue.

This week, he directed city crews to immediately do their part in helping make Biloxi a cleaner and more inviting city, especially sprucing up  gateways and high profile areas of the city.

“I’m tired of seeing grass grow through the sidewalks on major streets and thoroughfares,” Gilich told department heads. “I know it’s not all our responsibility, but I want us to make sure we are doing our part to get the job done, so that we’re a more presentable city.”

Gilich, through public-service and sponsored TV commercials with WXXV-TV 25, is also asking businesses, residents and civic groups to do their part in helping make Biloxi be the best it can be. The 30-second commercials begin airing Thursday on WXXV.

“So often we become complacent, we get used to things looking the way they do,” Gilich said, “but there’s no good reason for it. We need to take pride in the appearance of our community, whether it’s the gateways into the community, which I’ve spoken to our department heads about, or on private property, which I’m asking residents and the business community to address.

“The city can’t do it all, but together, we can, and that’s what I’m asking to happen.”

Said Bobby Edwards, general manager of WXXV: “We’re delighted to be a part of this important campaign. We want to see it spread all across the Mississippi Gulf Coast.”
See the cleaner Biloxi video