By Jerry Creel, Community Development Director
This week in economic development, the Community Development Department issued building permits to Horton Homes for 7 new single family houses in the new Rock Creek Subdivision, which is located north of Woolmarket Road just east of Lorraine. These 7 homes will be the first to be built in this new 150 lot residential development.
Also, permits were issued this week for the signage package for the changeover for Grand Casino Biloxi to become Harrah’s. Plans review has been completed for Back Bay Mission for the new six unit apartment structure to be built at 905 Division Street.
On Wednesday, the DRC Committee approved the site plan for the new Lighthouse Park, to be located on the west side of Porter Avenue across from the Biloxi Visitors Center. DRC also approved the final site plan for the new green event area for Harrah’s.
On Thursday, the Biloxi Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider an application from the IP Casino for the street vacation of the north end of Anglada, Fayard and Reynoir Streets, just south of Bay View. IP has plans to construct a new paved and landscaped parking lot. After considering comments from both sides, the planning commission continued the case until the next meeting in order to give commission members adequate time to visit the site before voting on the request. The Planning Commission did vote to approve a new 4 lot commercial subdivision on Popp’s Ferry Road.
The columns have been installed at the White House Hotel and the parking lot in the front is now under construction. The plans call for additional parking to be located in the rear. Site work has begun on the new Walmart Neighborhood Market on Pass Road.