By Jerry Creel, Community Development Director
This week in economic development, the city council voted to approve a new 110 lot single family residential subdivision development to be located on Mason Road in north Biloxi. The proposed market rate homes will be approximately 1700 square feet and will sell for around $175 thousand. The council also voted to approve a zoning change for property located on Popp’s Ferry Road to accommodate a new (yet to be named) Bank.
Also, three text changes to the Land Development  Ordinance were approved by the city council: (1) to re-establish the “Enclosure of Use” language for businesses, (2) To allow “Bail Bondsman” offices to be permitted as a “conditional use” in “Neighborhood Business” zoned districts, and (3) to change the language to require 1 parking space for each guest room for both hotels and motels.
Modified tax abatements were approved for “Kress Live” in the Vieux Marche’ and for the proposed “Reef Restaurant” to be located on the south side of Beach Blvd between Shaggy’s and the Waffle House. “The Reef” will include the restaurant, retail, and residential living spaces.
Our department issued building permits for another 5 new single family homes. There are currently 14 residential subdivisions within the city with some level of active approval or construction which could potentially include over 1400 homes.