Stormwater Management

Welcome to your online guide to the City of Biloxi’s stormwater management plan. The information in this section of the city’s website is part of the city’s continuing effort to educate the public about the importance of protecting water quality through land use and natural resource planning.

The city’s stormwater management plan, which is mandated by the Department of Environmental Quality, is designed to help protect and improve water quality, which can be jeopardized by pollution carried by stormwater runoff. The program has been developed in a collaborative effort with nearby cities of D’Iberville, Gulfport, Long Beach, Pass Christian, and Harrison County. The plan is called Stormwater Phase II.

The specific issues to be addressed:

  1. General Stormwater Runoff Pollution
  2. Illegal Dumping and Improper Disposal of Household Hazardous Wastes, Automobile Wastes, and Disposal of Litter and Debris
  3. Erosion and Sedimentation Associated with Construction and Development
  4. Leaking Individual On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems and Sewage Pollution

The program components include Public Education, Public Involvement, Illicit Discharges Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Controls, Post-Construction Runoff Controls, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.

The contact person for Biloxi’s stormwater runoff management is Kristen Greger, who can be reached at 228-435-6280 or by email at

Here are some websites that can provide additional information on stormwater runoff pollution.

EPA’s Non-Point Source Pollution Page – [Website]

The EPA’s website provides links to information and resources in a number of categories including publications, training and meetings, and applicable regulations. Contains fact sheets, articles, and resources that define Non-Point Source Pollution (NPS) and how it can be prevented or reduced. Topics include household chemicals, septic systems, and impervious surfaces. This site also includes links to the Non-Point Source Kids Page which contains games, puzzles, interactive activities, and educational materials.

Mississippi Department of Marine Resources 

The Department of Marine Resources website has a wealth of information for the public, with some info specifically targeted to children, teachers, boaters, marinas, etc. Information includes pollution prevention, non-point source pollution, stormwater runoff management, and best management practices provided by Mississippi Gulf Coast Stormwater Management Toolbox, stormwater management tools for schools, Coastal Cleanups and workshop information for teachers. Visit online by clicking here. 

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Non-Point Source Education Page 

The MDEQ site contains links to information related to a variety of public education, outreach, and involvement programs that are available through MDEQ. These programs include information for teachers, students, volunteer groups, homeowners, volunteer groups, and stormwater management officials. Visit online by clicking here

Urban Stormwater and Construction 

This site contains a narrative description of urban stormwater impacts including those resulting from construction. Provides links to stormwater permit information and BMP design manuals for construction. It is targeted to the construction industry, stormwater managers, and the public. Visit only by clicking here

Non-Point Source Pollution Literature and Publication 

This webpage contains links to MDEQ-sponsored literature and publications on non-point source pollution, targeted to the public, construction industry, and stormwater managers. Visit online by clicking here. 

Mississippi Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Guidance Manual for Construction Activities 

This booklet provides a guide for developing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) as required in the state’s Construction Storm Water General NDPES Permit. Visit online by clicking here

MS State University Extension Service

This website contains numerous fact sheets on the Correct Use of Your Septic Tank, Control of Garden Bugs, Household Cleaning Products, Maintaining a Sanitary Septic System, Lawn Mulching for Homeowners, and Non-Chemical Weed Control. 

Planning & Design Manual for the Control of Erosion, Sediment & Storm Water 

This manual provides technical guidance for the control of erosion, sediment, and stormwater from nonpoint sources and for the preparation of erosion, sediment, and stormwater control plans as needed. The manual is a cooperative effort by: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Mississippi Soil & Water Conservation Commission, and the USDA Soil Conservation Service.
Visit online: Volume 1
Visit online: Volume 2
Visit online: Volume 3