You can see the telltale signs that Cruisin’ is rolling into town soon: Public Works crews are hanging Cruisin’ the Coast pole banners throughout downtown. Another crew upgraded the high profile White House fountain on U.S. 90. City, county and state crews are brushing up medians along the highway. And classic cars are beginning to show up on roadways.
Cruisin’ The Coast 2020, the pandemic version of America’s Largest Block Party, rolls onto local streets Sunday, and registrations, with more than 6,300 pre-registered, are expected to increase by hundreds more during the eight-day run of the event. Hundreds of unregistered cars also are expected on roadways, with spectators expected to line areas of U.S. 90 to watch the informal daily parade.
“I think it’s going to be a record year,” Biloxi Police Chief John Miller says in a Cruisin’ Biloxi preview video the city released today. Miller provides tips for those driving the streets of Biloxi during the eight-day event.
Also of note: The orange traffic cones on U.S. 90, another signal of a special event in Biloxi, are scheduled to go down Thursday night, Oct. 8, in time for what police think will be a busy weekend to wrap up a busy week.
“Of all of the events, this one has the chance to be successful and safe,” said Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, “but it’s going to take people being responsible and being safe. We’ve seen our daily county average drop from 50 to 17 new tests a day, and we want to keep that number low and lower.”
Biloxi will host its downtown block party on Wednesday, Oct. 7, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Across town, Edgewater Mall will have four days of outdoor entertainment and the Coast Coliseum will host auto auctions and swap meets.
And, of course, thoroughfares, especially U.S. 90, will be busy.
Says the police chief: “Be patient. Be respectful. And be safe.”
Facebook: Tips to enjoying Cruisin’ 2020
YouTube: Tips to enjoying Cruisin’ 2020
See the traffic plan
See more about the Downtown Biloxi Block Party