Eastbound motorists on Popp’s Ferry Road will find an easier-to-navigate intersection at Cedar Lake Road, thanks to new striping installed last week.
The two center lanes for eastbound traffic have been converted to left turn lanes while the right hand lane is now for vehicles either traveling through the intersection or for right turns.
About 20,000 vehicles a day use Popp’s Ferry Road west of Cedar Lake.
Previously, only one of the center lanes at Cedar Lake had been for left turns, while the second center lane was for those either turning left or traveling through the intersection. The right hand lane had been only for right turns.
“These improvements will help move traffic more efficiently and more safely,” according to City Engineer Damon Torricelli. “We’re asking motorists to be aware of the changes and use extra caution at this intersection since this is something new.”
MDOT to work on I-110 southbound tonight
The Mississippi Department of Transportation reports that southbound traffic on the I-110 highrise will be limited to one lane tonight while crews make repairs to the surface of the draw span.
Work is scheduled to take place between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
More traffic info online
Status of work: Mayor A.J. Holloway recently updated a Biloxi Chamber of Comemrce audience about ongoing road repairs. To read the status report, click here.
Daily updates: The city’s Public Works Department each weekday issues an online Traffic Update about road construction underway throughout the city. It’s accessible through a link at the top of the city web site. To see today’s report, click here. (Web cams at U.S. 90 and I-110 have been out of service since Katrina.)