The Mississippi Department of Transportation has announced that its plan for the reconstruction of U.S. 90 will include driveways only at properties with existing residences or businesses, or ones that have approved rebuilding plans filed with the city.
“What this means,” said city Community Development Director Jerry Creel, “is that if you have plans to rebuild your home or business on the beachfront, you should start the permitting process now with the city so MDOT will be aware of your plans when they begin the reconstruction work.”
U.S. 90 currently has dozens of access points – called “curb cuts” – to numerous properties where homes or businesses once stood. As part of the multi-million-dollar reconstruction of U.S. 90, MDOT plans to install new curbing and drainage systems along U.S. 90. MDOT plans to review existing residences and businesses along with permits on file with the city to determine where curb cuts will be installed.
To see the city’s application for Development Review Committee Review, click here.
Those interested in applying directly to MDOT for curb cuts can visit MDOT offices in Ocean Springs or Lyman or can donwload a form from the MDOT web site by clicking here.