Here is a statement from Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich regarding the NTSB findings from the deadly bus-train accident at the Main Street crossing in Biloxi in March 2017:
“We haven’t been waiting for the findings of the NTSB to be reactive on railroad crossing safety. We’ve been proactive.
“Before the tragic accident last year, we had placed warning signs identifying dangerous crossings at steep grades. We’ve been negotiating for three years with CSX to reduce the amount of railroad crossings in east Biloxi. We’ve banned large buses and trucks from some crossings.
“The city has taken the lead with the Mississippi Department of Transportation on reconfiguration of the Main Street crossing. We will be requesting financial support from CSX in making this and other crossings safer.
“This is a complex oversight issue involving CSX’s control of the tracks and Mississippi Department of Transportation’s jurisdiction. We are limited in what we can do, but we will continue to work with both of them to improve safety at all rail crossings in Biloxi.”
See the NTSB findings released today