City assets go online today as the city hosts its first online auction.
The auction is being conducted through GovDeals, an online marketplace that provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus items to the public. The auction opened this morning and will run for fourteen days.
“This is the city’s first ‘regular’ online auction,” said Biloxi Chief Administrative Officer Michael Leonard. “After this first one, we plan to go back to the directors/departments and ask each for more items to surplus so that we can continue auctions periodically.”
Items listed include ice machines, an electric griddle, an electric fryer, a Canon fax machine, an HP LaserJet print, a Cannon copier, a desk, and three trucks: a 2004 Ford F-750, a 2004 Ford F-350 SD, and a 2005 Ford F-750.
Each item’s page features a description such as whether the vehicle runs or not, if there is damage to the item, and if the item needs repairs. The 2004 Ford F-350 SD even includes a video of the engine running.
There is also a section where interested buyers can submit questions, or if questions have already been asked, a list of questions and answers will be displayed on a particular item’s page.
All items are sold as is and once purchased, an appointment must be made to pick up the item.
The auction can be accessed from the city’s home page by clicking the “City Surplus Online Auction” tab in the middle of the page.