Check contactors licenses at outset of any work

The City of Biloxi is reminding residents of oft-repeated advice in dealing with construction issues: Beware of transient contractors and other individuals who typically set up temporary shop in the aftermath of storms.

Says Mayor A.J. Holloway: “Before you sign any contract or allow anyone to perform any repair work on your property, you should ask to see the person’s City of Biloxi license, which allows them to do business in this city. Make sure that the contractor obtains a building permit before beginning construction or repairs.

“By all means, never pay any money in advance for repair work, and do not pay until the work has been reviewed and approved by city inspectors. If you have any doubts or questions about any of these issues, contact the city building division, either by e-mail at or by phone at 435-6270.”

Keesler to host Tops in Blue at Coliseum

Tops In Blue, the Air Force’s premier expeditionary entertainment team, is scheduled to give a free public performance on Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi.

To read more about the group and the Coliseum performance, click here.

Popp’s Ferry work begins tonight

Traffic on the Popp’s Ferry bridge will be reduced to one-lane at the bridge’s span this evening beginning at 8 o’clock as contractors make improvements to grade.

The work, which could take as long as four hours this evening, is scheduled to continue again Wednesday evening at 8. Biloxi Police will on hand to help keep traffic moving safely.