The City of Biloxi Parks and Recreation Department begins its Challenger League Baseball season with the first game tonight at 7 at the Biloxi Sports Complex, 765 Wells Drive.
The Challenger League is open to boys and girls of all ages with mental and physical disabilities. Games are played one night a week and participation and team uniforms are free. All players will be assisted at each game by players of the Major Little League teams.
For more information regarding registration and participation, contact Cheryl Bell, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, at 228-435-6296 or email
To print a flier about the challenger league, click here.
Farmers Market ushers in new season
Dozens of vendors and hundreds of visitors were on hand throughout the morning for the opening of the 31st season of the Charles R. Hegwood Biloxi Farmers Market.
The year-round market, coordinated by the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, operates each Tuesday and Thursday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Biloxi, on Howard Avenue at the I-110 overpass.
The Mississippi Department of Agriculture has said Biloxi’s farmers market is the oldest and one of the largest in the state. Vendors typically offer row after row of farm-fresh produce, plants, homemade baked goods, poultry and more.
For photos from this morning’s launch of the new season, click here.
News and notes
Holloway on the stump: Mayor A.J. Holloway began the day by addressing a Biloxi Chamber audience at IP and caps the day with an address to the Airline and Tourism Development Summit this evening at the Beau Rivage. To read Holloway’s prepared remarks from this morning and for a preview of what he plans to say this evening, click here.
Photo gallery: See photos and video from before, during and after the storm in the city’s online Photo Gallery. To go there, click here.