Caillavet Street, where motorists have had to detour for two weeks, was fully reopened to traffic shortly after lunch today, after contractors applied thick coats of asphalt to the intersection at Division Street.
Just days ago the intersection of Caillavet and Division had been a 25-foot deep crevice where contactors installed an 18-inch sewer line and an 8-inch water line. During the work, motorists were forced to use nearby Reynoir Street as a detour route.
Meantime, John Cowart, superintendent for Oscar Renda Contracting, the firm over the $123 million east Biloxi infrastructructure work, announced that Back Bay Boulevard and Oak Street would get their final layers of pavement and striping in May and huge sections of Division Street would be paved by mid-June.
“We had originally planned to have Division Street paved east of Lee Street by June 1,” Cowart says, “but Mayor Gilich wants Back Bay Boulevard and Oak Street completely finished first, so that’s what we’re going to do. We’re still going to have major paving completed on Division by mid-June.”
See video of the Caillavet paving today
See images of the Lee Street work