Five new developments in downtown Biloxi, the latest on the Biloxi Shuckers, changes coming to the Biloxi Water Department, and the names of the candidates in upcoming city elections are among the topics in the upcoming edition of the citywide newsletter.
The March issue of BNews Monthly will be arriving in homes and businesses across the city on Friday and Saturday. Also included in the 24-page issue: the latest on COVID-19 and vaccinations, and progress reports on the city’s Hurricane Zeta repairs and East Biloxi infrastructure work.
Columnist Nick L. Shrimp has a salute to three-star Gen. Clark Griffith, and Biloxi VA Director Bryan C. Matthews has the latest news from the Gulf Coast Veterans Administration Health Care System
And Back in the Day columnist Jane Shambra tells the story of Hugo’s restaurant and the origin of French dressing on pizzas. In a photo on the front page of the newsletter, in fact, is a photo of a one-time Hugo’s customer, the legendary bombshell Jayne Mansfield, and a Biloxian that oldtimers may recognize, Vincent “Vici” (say “Veetsie”) Rosetti, who operated Rosetti’s Cafe on Howard Avenue.
The advertiser-supported city newsletter also includes a calendar of events, the March schedule for BTV (Biloxi Cooks! has recipes for an Irish feast), and tips from the city’s Community Development Department on how homeowners can minimize damage from flooding.
See the March issue in the BNews archive
News & notes: Oak Street, weekly reports, BTV
Oak Street crossing: The rail crossing at Oak Street is now open to traffic after CSX closed it Tuesday for maintenance work. To see updated information road work throughout the city, click here.
Weekly reports: To see the latest from key city departments, click here.
BTV: BTV: Biloxi Television is in this last final days of its February programming lineup. To see the schedule of programs and to watch BTV online now, click here.