Biloxi A to Z: Headlining this week’s video update is the Popp’s Ferry Road Extension groundbreaking.
City, county, state, and federal officials gathered on Wednesday to formally break ground on the Popp’s Ferry Road Extension project, set to begin on Nov. 25.
As the dirt was thrown south of Pass Road on Popp’s Ferry, the words “it’s finally happening” resonated among the crowd. The project has been talked about for decades and with a multitude of factors in place, the project now has a green light.
“We are finally here,” Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich said during the ceremony. “The project has been a top priority for Biloxi since I took office. Working with MDOT and with the help of State Representative Kevin Felsher, State Senator Scott Delano, and the Harrison County Board of Supervisors, along with the city’s 2022 Bond Issue, we secured the funding and approvals to make this project happen.”
           Necaise Brothers Contracting has been awarded the $20.8 million project and will begin work on 1.53 miles of a new four-lane road on Nov. 25. The road will run north of Pass Road and extend to U.S. 90, allowing motorists a direct line of travel north. Design, engineering, and other reconstruction services were provided by Neel-Schaffer.
“Without a doubt, it will be a shot in the economic arm of this major intersection,” Mayor Gilich said. “It has already opened new opportunities in this area. A ribbon cutting was held a couple of hours before the groundbreaking for the new Rouses Market. This is only the beginning of the development we are going to see in this area.”
As part of the Popp’s Ferry extension project, a new railroad crossing will be added in West Biloxi. To do so, the city closed three closings in East Biloxi and added connecter roads for travel, lessening the number of crossings in East Biloxi where nearly two dozen are in a two-mile stretch from Point Cadet to Keesler Air Force Base.
This extension project will also help with future funding for building a new Popp’s Ferry bridge. The roadway will connect Popp’s Ferry Road to a major highway, which is a huge step toward getting it designated as a state road and opening the door for future funding for the Popp’s Ferry bridge.
The project is expected to be completed at the end of 2026.
Also in this week’s video update: a listing of Halloween events, Camellia Street closing, how to stay in the know on road closures, where to apply for a career with the Biloxi Police Department, the weekend weather and events, and the witch weather vane.
Facebook: See this week’s video update
YouTube: See this week’s video update
See images from the groundbreaking ceremony
Halloween events
October Community Calendar
News & notes: Weekly report, seeking Halloween vendors
The week that was: See weekly reports from the departments of the Police, Fire, Community Development, Engineering, and Public Works by clicking here.
Halloween vendors: The Biloxi Parks & Recreation Department is seeking vendors for two upcoming Halloween events, Trunk or Treat at Eagle Point and Halloween on Howard. Vendors will be provided one table and two chairs to join the events and pass out candy. Those interested in either event, may call 228-388-7170 or email To see the Trunk or Treat at Eagle Point flyer, click here. To see the Halloween on Howard flyer, click here.