A city contractor this week is expected to patch a dime-size hole causing water to escape from the city’s million-gallon elevated water tank on Pass Road at the Bay Vista Fire Station.
The leak was reported Wednesday to the city’s Public Works Department, and a contractor is expected to begin work on repairs as early as Tuesday and be complete by the end of the week.
“The first step,” says Public Works Director Billy Ray Allen, “is to drain the tank. The contractor will patch it from the inside, and he will use the occasion to inspect the tank itself. Then, we’ll refill it, and test the water before it’s used. We hope to have all of that accomplished by the end of the week.”
Allen said residents and businesses in the area should see no interruption in service or experience any fluctuation in water pressure.
The city provides domestic water to 14,000 water customers through a network of million-gallon tanks across the city. Those tanks draw water from a series of city-operated water wells. The elevated tanks help provide adequate pressure for domestic use and for firefighting.
Gallery: Photos of the tank and leak
News & notes: Weekly report, council, firemen, anti-crime festival
The week that was: Last week, the Fire Department answered 138 calls for service, including 90 medical emergencies and nine fires; the Police Department handled 1,664 calls for service; and the Community Development Department issued 101 building permits with a construction valuation of more than $150,000. To see the reports covering last week, click here.
Council meeting: The Biloxi City Council meets Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. To see the agenda and supporting documents, click here.
Fireman’s parade: The annual Biloxi Fireman’s Day Parade took place downtown on Saturday and included a number of fire vehicles and free food at the West End Hose Co. No. 3 Fire Museum. To see a video of the parade, click here.
Festival against crime: The Biloxi Police and Fire departments will host the annual Biloxi Community Festival Against Crime on Saturday at the Point Cadet Plaza. The free affair will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and include music, demonstrations, free food and more. To see the event flyer, click here.