Social media is where it’s at in communicating with residents of a city, that’s the word from this week’s City Desk guests, Mario King, the newly minted mayor of Moss Point, and Chris Vignes, the Public Information Officer for Gulfport.
The two city officials appeared on the City Desk podcast Wednesday at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center, where more leaders from 295 city and towns from across the state gathered.
Social media was on the minds of both Vignes and King.
Said Vignes: It’s about getting out information as easily as possible for people to see and be able to contact their elected officials to get things done.
For King, it’s a matter of using social media to be transparent with residents, especially on vital issues.
“My biggest surprise on the ground has been our finances,” said King, who took office two weeks ago. “And my biggest surprise at MML is that there are other cities in much worse condition than Moss Point.”
Holloway, Wall honored: Former Mayor A.J. Holloway and a former councilman, the late Tom Wall, were inducted into the MML Hall of Fame this week.
City Desk: Hear from nearby city officials
Photo Gallery: Hall of Famers Holloway and Wall