Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich has advice for everyone worried about contracting the coronavirus: Act is as if you already have it.
“Everyone, of all ages,” Gilich says in today’s video message, “must act as if they had this virus and stay clear of people and things that could transmit it to others.”
The comment was one of several new pieces of advice and messages in today’s video update, which was filmed mid-afternoon at City Hall. The video was filmed before two members of the Biloxi Fire Department were found to have COVID-19. Both are recuperating at home.
But for those businesses that remain open, Gilich said he and fellow mayors are stressing social distancing. Said the mayor: “The big-box stores, grocery stores, pharmacies and others need to keep an eye on numbers. Take steps for everyone to maintain plenty of distance, and implement wipe down protocols.”
The mayor reiterated that all bars and dine-in restaurants remain closed in Biloxi. Only to-go and drive-through service are available, and no seating is allowed outside restaurants or businesses. Additionally, public parks and beaches remain closed to groups of 10 or more.
Facebook: See today’s update
YouTube: See today’s message