The City Council, winding down the process to draft a 2020 spending plan, will conduct another in a series of budget meetings Monday at 1:30 at City Hall.
During the session, which is open to the public, councilmembers and Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich will work to draft a 2020 budget, a blueprint that guides city operations and major improvement projects for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, 2019 and running through Sept. 30, 2020. The budget is expected to be in place in the next several weeks.
Here, with the assistance of Councilmember Paul Tisdale’s weekly e-blast, is a compilation of online budget resources:
July 15 meeting: Revenue estimates
July 23 meeting: Police, Fire, Community Development.
July 24 meeting: Parks & Rec, Engineering, Public Works, Legal and Legislative
July 29 meeting: Administration, Executive, non-departmental
Aug. 5 meeting: Coast Transit, libraries, employee compensation
Proposed departmental budgets, as of Aug. 7
Proposed non-departmental budgets, as of July 26
Comparison of tax rates, various cities and counties, 2011 to present
City Desk: Mayor Gilich speak on budget, other issues