Talk of curfew making the rounds

Harrison County Sheriff Troy Peterson and police chiefs in Harrison County are recommending a two-week, 24-hour curfew beginning Monday night, and Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich said he expects the issue to come up during a Harrison County Board of Supervisors meeting Monday morning.

Peterson and the police chiefs suggest the curfew run through April 6 at 6 p.m.

“This is something that was written for discussion purposes on Friday afternoon, before the executive proclamations closed bars, lounges, public facilities and so forth were issued,” Gilich said. “The closures we have ordered are certainly going to have an impact. Right now, we’re asking people to limit travel to what is totally necessary, but there is no total lockdown of this city. If such a decision was made, including time, place and scope, it will be made by the mayor and City Council, with, I hope, all leaders across the Coast working in concert.”

Gilich said he had expected the issue to come up Monday morning.

“I had planned to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting all along and that’s where this was to come up first, in my opinion. And with the potential for Spring Break just around the corner, I was hoping there could be some steps to limit the possibility of large groups gathering on the beach.”

The mayor said the steps being taken – states of emergency, emergency declarations, and talk of curfews – are similar to what residents might see before a hurricane.

“That’s the best analogy for the public to remember,” Gilich said. “There’s no reason to be alarmed, or to overreact or underreact. This is just like preparing for a hurricane. Shelter in place. Just follow the advice, and the advice of the moment is limit travel. Follow the advice of the CDC and the Mississippi State Department of Health. Announcements by those agencies and local leaders will be made when necessary.”
See the city’s coronavirus updates
City Desk podcast: Shelter in place