Biloxi A to Z: HowHop, firefighters, and Ward 4

Biloxi A to Z: This week’s video includes a look at the work Biloxi Main Street is doing in the HowHop area under the I-110. There is also a look at the newest firefighters on the Coast, information on when Ward 4 residents can cast an absentee vote for the July 9 runoff, and the weekend weather and events.
Facebook: See this week’s video
YouTube: See this week’s video
June Community Calendar

News & notes: Safety event, weather communication

Stay Safe & Play: Biloxi fire responders will be attending the Junior Auxiliary of Biloxi-Ocean Springs event, Stay Safe & Play on Sunday, June 30 at the Point Cadet Plaza. The event is open to all ages and includes summer safety education, food, activities, and games. To see the flyer, click here.

Weather communication: Are you interested in severe weather communication? Do you want to share your thoughts and experiences about weather issues? A research team from the University of Alabama and the University of Nebraska is interested in learning about individuals’ communication and information behaviors and opinions during severe weather events. They wish to speak with Biloxi residents over 18 years old from across Biloxi and Gulfport, regardless of demographic. They are holding two 60-minute focus groups on July 23 in downtown Gulfport to talk with interested residents. A financial incentive is available, along with refreshments. If you’re interested in participating in a focus group session, please reach out to researchers Cory Armstrong or Matthew Van Dyke at 402-472-2055 by July 15 for more information and to set up a session time.